Start-up as a mindset

Why do we make an exception in our minds when we hear the word ‘Start-up’? Instantly we see hip girls and guys with fancy laptops and headphones, in cool environments, trying to inspire investors and each other, having high-end conversations about changing the world that are shared on Instagram, LinkedIn, Medium or any other relevant... Continue Reading →

Soul searching for brands – The need for a Chief Brand Officer

The brand is not what it used to be. Over the centuries, the brand has been on a series of steep climbs up the career ladder. This rise of the brand calls for a new definition of branding; we call it “Absoulute” branding. We believe the brand is becoming the soul of a company and,... Continue Reading →

Thin line between shock and surprise  

  Although new ideas are needed, it is definitely not a guarantee new ideas are embraced. People are in the operating modus and as a result have the tendency to rely on routine. New ideas are out of the ordinary, have the tendency to brake routines and often take time to be implemented and, most... Continue Reading →

Social media bravery

How come a lot of brands or companies are very boring on social media, while they know it's very important and high on the agenda? Their not brave enough. And the funny thing is that marketing people making these decisions are the same people, together with thousands of other people who will laugh, like and share the same stuff that needed... Continue Reading →

9 Quantum Creativity Strategies

If the brain is a muscle, and in a way it is, it is possible to train it or even to stretch it. But remember, being creative is hard and continuous work. Here are some interesting ways to train the brain: Strategy 1. Take Some Creativity Risks The fear of doing things different is a... Continue Reading →

Cold exaggeration

Every now and then it's morning already colder and the gloves, scarves, hats and thick coats come out and put on. But if you pull everything out of the wardrobe, what will you on when it gets really cold? I think it's better to wear 'normal' clothes as long as possible and sparsely put on more or... Continue Reading →

From push to embrace

a.k.a. from tell to inspire. a.k.a. from selling experience to buying experience. That times are changing is not a new concept , but how to deal with it is. In the past, 80% of what was told about a brand was controlled by that brand... Today, 70% of what is told by a brand is not... Continue Reading →

Magic potion for people and brands

What makes you laugh? What makes you adore? What touches you? Most of the time it is something out of the ordinary. Out-of-the-ordinary, extraordinary. Ordinary is derived from the Latin word Ordianarius, meaning orderly. Ponder on that for while. Scary word, ordinary, orderly… Yesterday I saw a number of great artists performing. They definitely were out... Continue Reading →

Innovators and Path Creators

The properties of a Path Creator are: Pace, Focus Friends and Patience. To discover the world I like to run. Whether I am in a new town or on holidays, I believe it’s a good way to get to know the environment (and stay healthy at the same time ;-)).  Also when I’m running from... Continue Reading →

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